Save 25% and earn 5% in CAA Dollars
Sending flowers is easy with Teleflora. Not only will you get a beautiful floral arrangement – you also earn CAA Dollars! Save 25% Plus earn 5% in CAA Dollars on flowers and gifts.
Surprise someone special with a beautiful Teleflora floral arrangement or centerpiece. Teleflora has hundreds of festive arrangements for any occasion or holiday – all artistically-arranged and personally delivered by a local florist.
How to redeem the offer
Members must order at or quote their valid membership card number at time of telephone order.
Offer ends February 13, 2020. Offer not valid in retail stores. Taxes and delivery/handling fees are extra and are not subject to earning of CAA Dollars®. Prices quoted on the website are subject to change without notice but price increases will not apply to orders that have already been placed.