When should you buy life Insurance? 5 factors to consider
Life Insurance is designed to help protect your family and others who may rely on you for financial support. This type of insurance helps protect your family's financial security by leaving a benefit to cover their expenses if something were to happen to you, the policyholder.
Why should I buy life Insurance?
When deciding if you should purchase life Insurance, there are many factors to take into consideration. Even if you do not have dependents, life Insurance can be beneficial because it provides protection for your estate.
Consider the following reasons to purchase CAA Life Insurance:
Canadians are working longer
Many Canadians over the age of 65 are continuing to work (out of necessity or interest), emphasizing the need for Insurance to provide for their families.1 It's important to have enough life Insurance to cover debts and replace your income if you have dependents relying on you for financial support.
1/2 of Canadians own life Insurance
That’s 15.2 million adults and 2 million children under age 181. Those who are uninsured may not be adequately protecting their family and estate.
Married couples want more coverage
In recent years, the ownership of life Insurance for married households has increased by 3%, and 5% for those with children2. If you have multiple people relying on your income, including a spouse or children, it can be important to ensure your family has the financial support they need should something happen to you.
If you own your home, consider having enough coverage to pay it off or at least aid mortgage payments.
You may also have aging parents that you’re providing support for, and life Insurance will make sure your parents are still cared for if something were to happen to you.
Learning more about life Insurance
It may be overwhelming to look at the options when purchasing life Insurance. However, it's important to understand what products exist and the coverage you need for your unique needs. That’s why CAA is here to provide you with helpful information that you can use to make an informed decision.
Take advantage of your CAA Insurance Member Benefit
At CAA, we're all about providing exclusive offers for our Members. Now, it's even easier to protect loved ones for first-year Members.
Register below to receive $5,000 of CAA Life Insurance for 2 years – with no medical questions to answer! The best part? Your complimentary policy comes at no cost to you. You won’t be asked for any billing information and your coverage will be in place for two years, starting from the date you sign up.
Simply enroll within the next 60 days and you’ll receive $5,000 in complimentary Life Insurance*, it’s that simple!
1 LIMRA. “Canadian Life Insurance Ownership Study – 2019 Person-Level Report,” 2020.
2 LIMRA. “Canadian Life Insurance Ownership Study – 2019 Household Trends Report,” 2019.
Insurance Plans are underwritten by The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (Manulife).
*This offer is open to Members between the ages of 18-47 who are Canadian Residents and who don't currently have CAA Life Insurance. One $5,000 complimentary Life policy per Membership number.
Manulife, Manulife & Stylized M Design, and Stylized M Design are trademarks of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it, and by its affiliates under license.
Available to Canadian residents only.
© 2020 The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company. All rights reserved. Manulife, P.O. Box 670, Stn Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2J 4B8.